This procedure treats dental plaque, removes concretions, and periodontal pockets. The need for periodontal treatment occurs when the first signs of inflammation are observed: swelling of the gums or bleeding.
- Treatment of the Patient with periodontitis - during the consultation, the periodontist listens to the Patient's complaints, takes targeted X-rays, and draws up an individual treatment plan. The initial stage of treatment begins with the elimination of the causes of the disease and a professional oral hygiene procedure. In the case of medical indications, a specialized team of doctors is used and any other necessary dental treatment is performed.
- Periodontal corrective procedures are performed after a period of several weeks. During the re-evaluation, the doctor determines the effectiveness of dental plaque treatment and the initial response of periodontal tissue treatment. Periosurgical treatment is performed if a periodontal condition changes.
- Supportive care for the Patient with periodontitis - the treatment is selected individually for each patient based on self-control, oral hygiene skills, and susceptibility to periodontal diseases. Treatment consists of oral hygiene monitoring every 1, 3, or 6 months.